The Eastern Virginia Medical School seeks to provide and maintain a safe campus environment for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. The (HCA) Hague Club Apartments parking lot Motor-vehicle Policy is created to enforce and establish a climate for safety and order. A vehicle not displaying the proper HCA parking permit may be towed from the HCA parking lot at the owner’s expense.
REGULATIONS General regulations:
- All motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, owned, and parked within the HCA parking lot and operated on the EVMS campus by students must be registered with the EVMS Hague Club Apartments Manager. And display a current rear-view mirror parking permit hang-tag. The hang-tag permit must be positioned so as to be read from looking through the windshield from outside the vehicle.
- All vehicles that park in the HCA parking lot and are operated on the EVMS campus, must have current registration from the state in which the vehicle is registered, be operable and insured. Failure to comply may result in the vehicle being towed from the HCA parking lot at the owner’s expense.
- Vehicles driving on campus will be operated in a safe manner. Drivers will observe the campus posted speed limit and the EVMC Visitor’s (PG2) garage speed limit of (5 MPH), regulatory signs and yield to pedestrians. Failure to comply may result in a citation. A citation or towing may result from violating the HCA Parking Regulations.
- HCA tenants may park in the EVMC Visitor’s parking garage (PG2) when the HCA lot is full. PG2 parking for HCA tenants is restricted to the third floor and above.
- Drivers will not operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any medications, which would impair their driving ability. In such instances the EVMS Campus Police department may be called to facilitate the enforcement of said violations.
- Vehicle repairs can only be accomplished in the HCA parking lot by obtaining permission from the HCA Manager. The parking space area must be kept free of hazards; such as vehicle parts, junk, vehicle fluids, debris, etc. Noncompliance will result in the vehicle being cited and or towed from the HCA parking lot at the owner’s expense.
Parking Regulations:
- Parking is based on a first come basis.
- Parking is limited to one vehicle per tenant of legal driving age, motorcycles excepted.
- Overnight parking for guest should be cleared through the HCA Manager.
- Vehicles parked in reserved parking spaces and yellow no parking areas are subject to being cited or towed at the owner’s expense.
- Motorcycles must park in designated area. See HCA Manager for location.
- Contractor and visitor parking allowed at HCA Manager’s discretion.
- There will be no storage of vehicles, trailers, campers, boats, etc. Stored vehicles are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.
- There are no student/tenant reserved parking spaces unless authorized by HCA Manager.
- A temporary hang tag is available in the HCA office when using a rental or borrowed vehicle.
Parking Vehicle Hang-Tag
Student/tenant owned and operated vehicles, when parked on the HCA parking lot, must have a current numbered, EVMS HCA vehicle rear-view mirror hang-tag displayed to be read from the outside of the vehicle. Should you relocate during the academic year, you are required to turn in the vehicle hang-tag to the HCA manager upon check out. Should you change vehicles you must update your new vehicle’s information in the HCA manager’s office within three business days (72hrs) of the new vehicle parking on the HCA parking lot. Failure to comply will result in the vehicle being cited or towed at the owner’s expense.
Citation Process
There is no fine associated with a warning citation. If two warning citations are issued to a tenant for the same violation within the current school year, the third violation may
result in the loss of HCA parking during that school year, or towing at the owner’s expense.
Towing Policy Vehicles may be towed as listed below:
- The vehicle is not displaying a current HCA vehicle parking hang-tag.
- The vehicle is parked improperly or in a restricted location.
- The vehicle creates a safety hazard, (example, parked on the sidewalk, in an unsafe condition, on jacks or blocks, etc.)
- The vehicle appears abandoned, “A notice to Tow” has been placed on the vehicle for 72 hours, and the vehicle remains on the HCA parking lot.
- The vehicle is parked on the HCA parking lot or on campus and the owner/responsible is unresponsive up to two weeks.
- The vehicle’s owner is withdrawn from EVMS and failed to remove the vehicle within 72 hours.
- City License Plates Decals or State Inspection Sticker has expired.
Vehicles are towed from the HCA parking lot at the owner’s expense, including storage fees. Towing signs are posted on the lot listing the towing company and a contact telephone number, Affordable Towing (757)543-2372.
The towing signage is 30”x30” in size, blue and white in color and states “Restricted Parking, HCA Parking Permit Required, Towing Enforced”. For questions and clarifications, please contact EVMS Security at (757) 446-5199 or the EVMS Hague Club Apartments Office at (757)446-9236.